
We are facing an invisible enemy that can attack any of us. Without even knowing it, it’s possible that we may already be infected. In some cases, we will need medical care. Maybe, unfortunately, we could depend on medical equipment. And in this situation, there will be dozens, hundreds or maybe even thousands of fellow citizens from Maramureș.

Given the rapid spread of Sars-CoV-2 and taking into account the extraordinary efforts of everyone in the medical system, it is time to be supportive.

Therefore, the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs initiated the fundraising campaign "AJUTAM INGERII MEDICI" to identify and purchase equipment and goods for medical purposes, necessary to combating the COVID-19 pandemic in Maramureș county.

In the context of updating the North-West Regional Development Plan (PDR) for the upcoming 2021-2027, the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs will participate in the thematic working groups organized by the North-West Regional Development Agency (RDA).

On July 18, 2019, the Parliament adopted Law 129/2019 on Preventing and Fighting Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism, by which it transposed into national law the Directives (EU) 2015/849 and (EU) 2011/2.258, thus replacing the previous Law 656/2002.

On 14.01.2020, at the invitation of the Maramureș County Public Finance Administration (AJFP), a meeting was held with the representatives of AIM members, who were informed about the tax legislation, so that the economic operators can carry out their activity in the best conditions, in accordance with the new regulations.

The National Union of Romanian Employers (UNPR)- representing 142 companies, employers' organizations and professional bodies from 21 counties, started the campaign to promote the BIGDATA 4RIVERS project at national level, selected on the occasion of the 4th INTERREG EUROPE call, within the Axis 4 - Environment and the efficient use of resources.

For the attention of the economic operators of Maramureș

The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs (AIM) continues the "AIM for a clean economy "  campaign, launching the second stage, which initiates a series of actions to inform, raise awareness and combat illegal commercial practices and unfair competition.

The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs supports a climate of honest economic competitiveness, for the development of a strong market, in which the entrepreneurial ethics prevail. On this occasion, we announce all the parties involved in the smooth running of the economy and commerce in the county, that we have completed stage 1 of the planned activity, according to the attached address, a stage that we will resume annually.

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On Friday, October 11, 2019, took place a first meeting between the members of the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs and the county parliamentarians. The main purpose was to establish the basis for future collaboration, in order to identify specific solutions to the current problems of the private environment.

The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs finds solutions for the social and economic development of the community. Following the discussions with various public institutions and the regional business environment, a possible solution to partially solve the lack of workforce of the county is put into practice: the inclusion on the labor market of young people in the child protection system, administered by the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Maramureș.

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The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs (AIM) has among its main priorities, the support of education. In this regard, the organization initiates projects that can stimulate the educational process and can help educational institutions as well as the students, to minimize the gap between the accelerated increase of the volume of information and the decrease of education budgets.

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Friday, September 20, 2019, was an important day for AIM  when took place two events, that facilitate the starting and continuation of some essential for both AIM and Maramureș County: the Extraordinary General Meeting of AIM, and the hosting of the Board of Directors of the UNPR.

On August 30, 2019, the National Company For Road Infrastructure Administration (CNAIR) sent, to start the auction for the acquisition of the feasibility study for the North Highway: Baia Mare - Suceava high-speed road (with sections: lot 1 Baia Mare - Bistrița, lot 2 Bistrița - Vatra Dornei and lot 3 Vatra Dornei - Suceava), the award documentation for verification to the National Agency for Public Procurement (ANAP).

The meeting between the National Union of Romanian Employers (UNPR) - which also represents the interests of the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs (AIM) and a delegation of businessmen from Japan took place between 3 and 4 August 2019.

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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Copyright © 2025 l Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș membru al Uniunii Naționale a Patronatului Român