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For the first time since its foundation, the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs has organized on Thursday, November 7, 2019, "AIM business cocktail", an event dedicated to AIM members and its business partners, to facilitate entrepreneurial dialogue in a relaxed and less formal environment.

The entrepreneurs present were delighted with the opportunity to socialize "in an atmosphere of friendship, together with our business friends ... an extraordinary initiative ... that can be a binder. People have felt 100% extraordinary, and I think that modesty gives the best results. ” (Cornel Cușner - representative of Rustic company)

It was "a long-awaited evening, an evening in which all AIM members socialized, we met, told stories, with some we even shared memories, with others we discussed future projects as well". (Luminița Mureșan - representative of Elsyline company)

This initiative "coagulates us into a smart formula, and I believe that it should be taken as an example by many more companies, who need to understand that personal relationships between entrepreneurs contribute greatly to business success." (Marcel Zoicaș - represented by Construrom company)

The idea of the need to develop personal relationships between entrepreneurs was also emphasized by other businessmen present at the event: "I strongly believe that such meetings are very important in the regional business environment. It’s essential to collaborate, to be a common voice, and in this way, we can help each other so that we can develop together.”(Nicolae Onțiu - representative of One-IT company)

"At such events, I think it is good to be much closer, to talk about ourselves ... and sharing with each other business ideas, we will surely become much better all of us." (Sorin Orzac - representative of North Exclusive company)

At the same time, in this event was emphasized the desire for the entrepreneurial environment to become more involved and more open to partnerships: “I would like people to be more active, to get involved and to contribute, so that we can all become more strong, and to have joint projects that define our objectives ”. (Leșe Flaviu - representative of RoCredit IFN company)

The AIM guests also welcomed this action in order to build a connection platform between all the entrepreneurs in the region: “I am delighted by this event. It is a great opportunity for entrepreneurs from Maramureș County because we have seen the model of Italy, where these less formal meetings of the entrepreneurs, have led to the creation of industrial districts, where the entrepreneurs have become the world number 1 in certain sectors of the industry ”. (Cristian Costin - guest entrepreneur)

The success of this cocktail was confirmed even by those to whom it was dedicated. "It was a very successful event, a very beautiful evening, in which we met or reunited once more with some of us. It is the next step in strengthening the business environment in the area. ” (Diana Ilut - representative of Sfara Tours Baia Mare company)

Ovidiu Goga, representative of Sov Consulting company, synthesized a successful evening, which laid the foundations for building a favorable environment for joint projects by businessmen in the region: “For AIM cocktail evening, the first in the history of this very young organization, it is important to congratulate all those involved, especially the members of the Board of Directors, but also all the members of the association, who are always with us. It is worth noting a large number of guests who attended and answered this opportunity and many of whom joined our idea and stated that they would take steps to become members of the association. On this occasion, we launch the invitation to join us, to all the companies, which have the prestige and have a word to say in the private and even public domain, in Maramureș County. Events like this one, help to know each other, help the communication between members, in the context of a relaxed atmosphere, an experience that we will surely repeat itself."

The atmosphere of the event was perfected by two outstanding artistic moments, supported by the pop-opera vocal group Dimma's and the beloved soloist Paula Seling, offering an exceptional recital for AIM members and their guests.

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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