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The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs (AIM) has among its main priorities, the support of education. In this regard, the organization initiates projects that can stimulate the educational process and can help educational institutions as well as the students, to minimize the gap between the accelerated increase of the volume of information and the decrease of education budgets.

 Thus, AIM started the project "VR & AR Education" through which it proposed the educational units, the establishment in the 2019-2020 school year of a pilot module of curricular education assisted by the latest technological-information tools: virtual reality (VR), assisted and/or augmented reality(AR) systems, which allow the simulation of lessons in applications accessible directly on the phone or tablet, and with the help of virtual reality glasses, students have the opportunity to assimilate knowledge faster and faster, to explore things, new places and sensations.

The VR and AR education system has been successfully tested in prestigious schools and universities around the world, the main conclusions of the first pilot projects being:

  • The degree of attention has doubled (92% compared to 46%), and students remember more of the lessons studied.
  • The results of the evaluation tests increased by 35% (86% of the students improved their test results).

"Students can see how things work. Instead of learning about the heart statically, they can see it solidly, they can literally see the blood flowing through the valves, they can see the exchange of oxygen, they can rotate, tilt and close it", said Prof. Bamford, Professor at the University of Arts in London, in a study published by the BBC.

This innovative education system is a unique learning environment that offers endless resources of exploration and interaction, in any field and any subject. AIM launches this challenge, to give students the chance to prepare for the economy of the future, through innovative solutions, for the benefit of modern and efficient education, by following the technological progress.

Board of Directors of AIM

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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Copyright © 2025 l Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș membru al Uniunii Naționale a Patronatului Român