

The Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs was created with the desire to show that Romanian businesses can cooperate.

 If 2018 was the launching year and of the legal organization, at the end of which the number of AIM members was 44, 2019 was the year of functional organization and development, at this time our organization has 64 members. Thus, we can say with certainty that the organization has evolved, and this process is just beginning.

As a retrospective of the year just passed, it’s worth mentioning a number of actions:

  • Participation in the "Career Days", an event organized by The Technical University of Cluj-Napoca - North University Centre of Baia Mare, to support the students in search for of job.
  • The civic action "We plant together" organized in partnership with the Maramureş Forestry Directorate, an annual activity of planting trees to support the regeneration of the forestry fund.
  • Meetings with representatives of British employment recruitment companies in Asian countries, for training and transfer of labor from India to Europe.
  • Launching the campaign "AIM - for a clean economy" which aims to raise awareness of economic agents about the need to create an economic climate in which professional ethics and commercial fairness are a priority.
  • The AIM delegation to the Expo-Real investment fair in Munich, during which the goal was to identify potential investors for the businesses that can be developed in Maramureș County.
  • Adoption of the "Declaration from Borșa", a programmatic document that establishes the guidelines for the future activity of AIM.
  • Winning and implementing in partnership with UNPR a project worth 1.000.000 euros, which aims to qualify a number of 320 employees of AIM members, active in the field of construction.
  • Organizing the "AIM - Business Cocktail" event, in order to strengthen the relations between the AIM members and to attract new members, facilitating the entrepreneurial dialogue in a relaxed and less formal environment.
  • The blood donation campaign, launched in 2018, which will be continued annually, in which the representatives and employees of the AIM members have shown empathy and generosity, coming to the support of patients who need blood.

Being aware of the fact that important projects can be realized only through constant dialogue and cooperation with the public institutions or other employers' organizations, have been achieved the following:

  • Meetings with the representatives of the county public institutions with the role of controlling the activity of the economic agents, in order to strengthen the direct dialogue between the companies and the public authorities.
  • The conclusion of a partnership with the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection Maramures, to achieve integrating young people who leave the institutionalized protection system into the labor market.
  • The signing of a collaboration agreement with the current managing authority within the 2014-2020 Romania-Ukraine Joint Operational Program, funded by the European Union and managed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration, as well as participation in the consultative groups in order to build the following programs in the 2021 -2027 period, in collaboration with the managing authorities of the Romania-Ukraine and Interreg V-A Romania-Hungary programs.
  • The signing of a partnership agreement with the Maramureș County Council in the joint effort to optimize the financial allocations in order to make public investments and to support the economic and social environment of the area for the next European financial programming period: 2021 - 2027.
  • Initiation of the dialogue with the parliamentarians of Maramures, after which the pressing problems faced by the members of our association were brought to the notice of the law bodies, through the parliamentary procedures.
  • Consolidating the vice president position of UNPR of the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs.
  • Partnership with the German-Romanian Economic Association for the North West Region and with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Maramureș.

Of course, because we want to permanently improve our activity, the association aims this year, in addition to the annual projects and the opportunities that will surely emerge, carrying out new actions, leading to the development of the business environment and the ​​Maramureș area, such as:

  • Business conferences.
  • Workshops on various topics.
  • Initiating dialogue with local authorities to establish a unique office.
  • Carrying out some actions with great impact in the field of education.
  • Consultancy fair in various fields.
  • Transmission to the Parliament of some projects, in order to modify the existing laws or even new legislative initiatives, to support the economic agents.
  • Attracting investors in the North West Region of Romania.
  • An information platform on funding opportunities in the North-West Region of the country.

We start the new year with fresh forces and eager to achieve beautiful and impactful things for Maramures County. On this occasion, we thank all the members for their involvement and unconditional support! We thank the companies that joined us, for the confidence we have given!

With deep appreciation,
Board of Directors of AIM

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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Copyright © 2025 l Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș membru al Uniunii Naționale a Patronatului Român