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Friday, September 20, 2019, was an important day for AIM  when took place two events, that facilitate the starting and continuation of some essential for both AIM and Maramureș County: the Extraordinary General Meeting of AIM, and the hosting of the Board of Directors of the UNPR.

 In the Extraordinary General Meeting, some essential aspects for the organization and activity of AIM have been defined. Thus, modifications regarding the organization of the General Meeting were approved, changes that have the role to simplify and streamline the activity of the organization, and also to ensure the continuity of the projects initiated by AIM.

Also, AIM hosted as vice-president of the organization, the National Board of Directors of UNPR (National Union of Romanian Employers), a unique occasion where the members of the National Board of Directors of UNPR, from all the country, had the opportunity to interact with the business environment in the region (AIM members) and to strengthen their professional relationships.

During the meeting, the action plans for the implementation of two important UNPR projects were established: the „National Union of Romanian Employers supports the competences” and the „BIGDATA 4RIVERS”. At the same time, was established the calendar of activities between September and December 2019.

The two forums had a special guest, the representative of the German-Romanian Economic Association for the North West region (DRW), who launched some promising project proposals and partnerships for the business environment in the North-West area.

We thank the members of AIM, the guests and the National Board of Directors of UNPR for participating in these great events and for their involvement!

Board of Directors of AIM

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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