
AIM participates in the working groups of North-West RDA

In the context of updating the North-West Regional Development Plan (PDR) for the upcoming 2021-2027, the Association of Maramureș Entrepreneurs will participate in the thematic working groups organized by the North-West Regional Development Agency (RDA).

The Regional Thematic Groups are consultative forums, which analyze and complete the documents issued by the North-West RDA in the process of elaborating the Regional Development Plan for 2021-2027. North-West Regional Development Agency aims through the Regional Thematic Groups (RTG) to address the regional development needs identified in different domains, in conjunction with the main development directions and funding priorities of the EU, which cover different specific cohesion policies:

  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the "Labor force, social inclusion, education, and health" field, which aims towards "A more social Europe, through the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights".
  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the "Integrated territorial development and agriculture" field, which aims towards ”A Europe closer to the citizens, by promoting the sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives" and common agricultural policy.
  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the "Smart specialization, digitization, and economic competitiveness" field, which aims towards "A smarter Europe, by promoting an intelligent and innovative economic transformation".
  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the "Mobility and transport infrastructure" field, which aims towards "A more connected Europe, through the development of regional ICT mobility and connectivity".
  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the "Sustainable urban development and smart cities" field, which aims towards "A Europe closer to the citizens, by promoting the sustainable and integrated development of urban, rural and coastal areas and local initiatives".
  • The Regional Thematic Group (RTG) on the ”Energy efficiency and circular economy” field, which aims towards "A greener Europe, with low carbon emissions by promoting the transition to clean and fair energy, green and blue investments, the circular economy, adaptation to climate change and risk prevention and management ”.

The Regional Development Plan (RDP) for the upcoming 2021-2027 is the main strategic document at the North-West Region level. Therefore, the direct involvement in this process of analysis, of establishing the needs and of orienting the public and private investments in the area, is essential. In this context, AIM has the opportunity to bring forth, through its representatives, the main directions and needs of Maramures County, which are pivotal for regional development.

Contact Asociația Întreprinzătorilor Maramureș

Sediul social: Str. Griviței nr. 20, Baia Mare, jud. Maramureș email: office@patronatmm.ro Tel: +40.747.078.269

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