Company Registration Number: RO 25635319, J24/563/2009


A. Activities carried out:

  1. Professional cleaning services
  2. Maintenance services for buildings
  3. DDD services – disinsection, disinfection, disinfestation
  4. Relocation services
  5. Landscaping and green spaces maintenance services

B. Summary of achievements:

  1. Cleaning an area of 80.000 square meters daily, ensuring hygiene safety at each location.
  2. Through the disinfection-disinfestation services, insects and rodents are destroyed, which are a source of infection and which can carry pathogenic germs of infectious diseases. Also by disinfection, we ensure the complex of measures that are applied for decontamination so that there is no risk of producing infections. Because the safety of the population comes first, these services address to both private companies, public institutions, and individuals as well.
  3. Various services from the company's portfolio are meant to meet the complementary needs of our clients, namely building maintenance, relocations, and landscaping.
  4. Maintaining high-quality standards in the company to ensure the full satisfaction of our clients.

C.The word of the entrepreneur:

Cleaning detail, guaranteed safety!

The explanation of success: knowing the personal qualities and trusting them is directly proportional to the work done to achieve it.The explanation of success: knowing the personal qualities and trusting them is directly proportional to the work done to achieve it.

D. Contact: