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Company Registration Number: RO20768128, J24/163/2007

A. Activities carried out:

  1. Authorized provider of Adult Vocational Training courses (qualification, training, specialization, initiation).
  2. Agency for recruitment, selection, and placement of labor force authorized both internally and externally by the Territorial Labor Inspectorate, Maramureș county.
  3. Computer processing of data in the field of human resources, financial accounting, statistics, Intrastat, customs, etc.).
  4. Implementation of European projects in the field of human resources, through the Human Capital Operational Program "POCU 2014-2020".
  5. Grants manager for Start-ups and Social Economy Structures, established through European projects, consulting and assistance in implementation and reporting, European regional development projects, ROP and state aid.

B. Summary of achievements:

  1. CLEMON successfully completed as beneficiary and partner, 9 projects with European funding, within the Sectorial Operational Program Human Resources Development "POSDRU" (2007-2013).
  2. From 2018 until now, CLEMON became a partner in 3 projects, within the Human Capital Operational Program "POCU" (2014-2020)
  3. Starting with 2010 until now, the company has carried out over 150 professional training courses, both in Maramureş county and in Cluj-Napoca, Sălaj and Satu Mare counties.
  4. Over 4.000 certified persons who have taken qualification, training, specialization, initiation courses, in more than 26 professions.
  5. Over 3.000 people who have benefited from information services, professional counseling and mediation on the labor market.
  6. Over 50 companies benefiting from our services in the field of computer processing of personnel, payroll, and financial-accounting data
  7. Business consulting, management assistance, business start-up assistance, Strat Ups
  8. CLEMON holds 3 ISO certificates, respectively: SR ISO / IEC 27001: 2006, SR OHSAS 18001: 2018, SR EN ISO 9001: 2008 for the activities carried out daily.

C. The word of the entrepreneur:

We develop the potential of people, teams, and organizations to increase corporate performance and employee satisfaction.

D. Contact: